Inclusive education

All B.C. post-secondary institutions are working to make education accessible to everyone through services, facilities, and equipment.

Accessibility services

Find the accessibility services offered at each public post-secondary institution in B.C. below. Contact them to discuss your situation. If you need extra time for exams, text to speech software, or if you had accommodations in high school, learn about what may be available for you in post-secondary. They can help you with registration and program planning around your individual needs.

Note: Each High School District in the province will have their own set of Policies and Administrative Procedures. Check your local district website or ask your school or District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) for more information.


Indigenous students

B.C. is committed to enhancing the participation of indigenous learners. There are many resources to support you through the Government of B.C., local communities, high schools, and post-secondary institutions. Explore the Indigenous students page for more information.


International students

Find important information for refugees and displaced individuals, International Credential Evaluation Service, upgrading support for English as a Second Language, applying for a study permit, medical information, and more helpful resources to help you study in beautiful British Columbia.