Explore the glossary to learn new terms you might come across during your research and application to post-secondary education.
Upgrade basic skills in reading, writing, computer literacy, and math to grade 12 equivalency (i.e. B.C. Adult Graduation Diploma).
Learn more on the Government of B.C.'s website.
Any learner 18 years and older.
For people with disabilities, access an educational environment, attain job skills, increase work/life capabilities, and/or transition into the workplace.
Learn more on the Government of B.C.'s website.
An Advanced Certificate is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is up to 1 year. This credential follows the completion of a certificate, diploma, or degree program. It builds on existing skills to provide specialized training in a particular field or area of study.
An Advanced Diploma is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is up to 2 years. This credential follows the completion of a certificate, diploma, or degree program. It builds on existing skills to provide specialized training in a particular field or area of study.
An alternative path demonstrates another way to reach that career, whether through a different type of educational program or straight from high school. Explore careers available by clicking on ‘Show careers’ when using Find Your Path.
An Associate degree is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is 2 years and generally consists of 60 credits of first- and second-year courses. This credential provides the foundational knowledge and skills to further your education in an area of study. These credits can typically be used to transfer into another program or B.C. post-secondary institution. The B.C. Transfer Guide is a great resource to better understand your options. Learn more on the B.C. Transfer Guide website.
Financial assistance that typically recognizes a significant contribution in various area(s) of expertise. Awards tend to acknowledge contributions made by a student and typically include a monetary value.
A Bachelor’s Degree is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is 4-5 years and generally consists of 120 credits. This credential recognizes the completion of undergraduate courses in an academic specialty, including core degree requirements and electives.
A beneficial path identifies additional training or experience that could allow you to progress in your career. Beneficial paths typically show continuing education programs or micro-credential options when using Find Your Path.
A bridge program is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is 1-2 years. This program provides access to the second or third year of a Bachelor’s Degree program in a specific field or area of study, such as Nursing or Engineering.
Responsible for the management of the B.C. Transfer Guide and the Transfer Credit System.
Learn more on the B.C. Transfer Guide website.
Financial assistance that typically focuses on a student who has demonstrated financial need, and satisfactory academic achievement.
Obtain practical training, of up to three years, which is geared to find immediate employment in specific careers.
A Certificate is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is up to 1 year and generally consists of up to 30 credits. This credential recognizes the completion of undergraduate courses in a particular field or area of study. It provides basic knowledge and skills to enter the workforce or pursue further education.
Typical study length for this type of program is less than 6 months. An entry level credential in a specific area of study, typically made up of at least 4 post-secondary courses.
This type of institution offer several undergraduate programs including bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees, diploma, certificates, trades programs, and university transfer courses.
Tends to be for second language learners, develop communication, theoretical, and practical skills needed for specific careers.
Opportunities to continue your education after completion of a credential. Often associated with professional development learning that supplements your previous academic credential.
Provides academic credit by combining classroom-based education with practical work experience. These programs often offer compensation for your time. Co-op programs can support future career prospects.
Provides detailed information about material covered within the course. Including expected outcomes, total hours of class time, expected evaluation method for assignments, essays, and exams, and number of credits awarded upon completion. See also: Syllabus.
The number of credits/units earned from the completion of a course at a post-secondary institution. A Bachelor’s degree typically requires a minimum of 120 earned credits.
A Diploma is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is 2 years and generally consists of 60 credits. This credential provides the necessary skills to enter the workforce or pursue further education. Completion of a Diploma can often ladder credits earned towards a Bachelor’s Degree in the same area of study. Learn more on the B.C. Transfer Guide website.
High school graduates with the required high school courses and grades can enter university directly to pursue an undergraduate degree.
An opportunity to study and learn from anywhere (home, coffeeshop, work, etc.) anytime.
A Doctoral Degree is a graduate program. Typical length of study is 3 or more years. This credential is the highest level of academic achievement within an area of study. It involves completion of oral and written exams and original research presented in a dissertation.
Explore career options that tend to focus on self-exploration and skill building for the workplace.
Demonstrates the opportunity for employment within that specific career path. Employment prospects will show median salary, number of job openings, and a chance to explore job openings by region. Explore employment prospects for careers using Find Your Path.
Build up English language skills in speaking and listening, reading, vocabulary, grammar, and writing. Could be for personal growth or to transition into other post-secondary programs.
Obtain university credits towards your studies and gain international educational experience at the same time.
A First Professional Degree is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is 2-4 years. This program prepares you for a particular profession, often by meeting academic requirements of licensure or accreditation. It follows the full or partial completion of a Bachelor’s Degree and requires completion of specific university-level admission prerequisite courses. Some examples of fields requiring a First Professional Degree include law, medicine, education, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine.
Preparation and testing is an effective way to successfully complete a Secondary School Equivalency Certificate. The GED is made up of five multiple choice tests in language arts writing, language arts reading, social studies, science, and math. You can use it to fulfill post-secondary program admissions requirements.
The average grade of all credit-based courses/classes completed within a semester, school, or academic year.
Post-secondary programs which can be completed after an Undergraduate degree, study time can vary. These programs lead to a graduate certificate, graduate diploma, master’s degree, or doctoral degree.
A Graduate Certificate or Diploma are graduate programs. Typical length of study is up to 1 year. These programs tend to require an undergraduate degree for admission and allow you to gain greater specialization in your original area of study or develop core skills in a new area of study. These programs often prepare students for advanced degree programs such as a Master’s Degree.
This type of institution often offers programs focused on a particular field of study, tend to see a focus on technology or trades.
A secondary school program with the opportunity to earn credit towards an undergraduate degree.
Learn more on the B.C. Transfer Guide website.
A Laddering approach allows students who have completed a Certificate or Diploma to ladder the credits they earned towards a Bachelor’s Degree in the same area of study. This can shorten your study length.
Learn more on the B.C. Transfer Guide website.
A letter from the institution you are currently enrolled in, granting you permission to take course(s) at another institution.
Learn more on the B.C. Transfer Guide website.
This will be the subject area that will be the primary focus of your studies during your undergraduate degree, typically declared within the last few years of your program. Usually it is a focus in Arts, Science, Engineering, Technology, and Business degrees. Often we see most of these courses are taken in the final few years once a ‘Major’ subject has been chosen. Many Majors will prepare students for entry into professional schools such as Education, Law, Engineering, Medicine, and Social Work. Check with your institution’s advisors to discuss your studies and support with course selection.
A Master’s Degree is a graduate program. Typical length of study is 2 years. This program follows an undergraduate degree and allows you to develop advanced knowledge in a specific area of study or profession. This program generally requires completion of course work along with a capstone project or independent research presented in a thesis.
A learner returning to pursue high school or post-secondary education after being away from traditional education for an extended period of time.
Micro-credentials provide short, focused, accessible learning opportunities to gain industry-related skills and knowledge.
Often known as a second subject of interest which you can focus on throughout your undergraduate degree. The subject areas of your minor may also complement your major. A minor consists of 25% of your course work in the final few years of your program.
Normally considered as taking one or two courses per semester. Some part-time programs may be designed to help you pursue your course work either during the day, evening, or weekends at a flexible pace, while working, travelling, or raising a family.
A Post-Baccalaureate Diploma is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is up to 2 years. This credential follows the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree program and allows you to gain greater specialization in your original area of study or develop core skills in a new area of study.
A Post-Baccalaureate Certificate is an undergraduate program. Typical length of study is up to 1 year. This credential follows the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree program and allows you to gain greater specialization in your original area of study or develop core skills in a new area of study.
For more information refer to the Government of Canada's Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website.
Work experience opportunities that are built into the course plan of a program. These opportunities give students practical hands-on learning, and on the job experience. Practicums are normally not paid, and are common for programs such as Education, Nursing, Counselling, and Social Work majors.
Required courses needed for entry into a program, or for preparation to take a higher-level course.
Study length for these programs tends to be about 4 years, it includes a combination of on-the-job training, and classroom learning. A red seal certificate shows knowledge and skills necessary to practice a certain trade. A red seal certificate is acknowledged throughout Canada.
Learn more on Skilled Trades BC.
Tend to be awarded to students for outstanding scholastic achievement, community/leadership involvement and/or sports accomplishments. Some scholarships can be renewed for more than one year.
Financial assistance available for all B.C. residents. This grant will support programs and continued education for programs less than 13 weeks or 1 semester long.
Learn more on WorkBC.
Provides detailed information about material covered within the course. Including expected outcomes, total hours of class time, expected evaluation method for assignments, essays, and exams, and number of credits awarded upon completion. See also: Course outline.
Secondary or post-secondary programs which lead to educational training that focuses on technical skills with hands-on learning. These programs teach skills required to complete the tasks of a specific job.
Learn more on Skilled Trades BC.
Typical study length for this program is between 6-12 months. Introduces students to various training opportunities, with a trade area. Some foundation certificates can be completed in high school. Completion of these programs may allow you to receive technical training credits towards your desired trade.
Learn more on Skilled Trades BC.
Pre-apprenticeship programs earning credit towards the technical training portion of an apprenticeship program. Provides entry level skills to find employment and an apprenticeship sponsor for continued training.
Learn more on Skilled Trades BC.
Programs with on-the-job training combined with in-school instruction. These programs are designed for students with employment in a trade area and lead them to a Red Seal Certificate.
Learn more on Skilled Trades BC.
An official record of all courses you have taken in high school or post-secondary with credits and grades documented. This is an admission document that is required for any school you apply to.
B.C. students can order their transcripts through the StudentTranscript Service (STS).
Academic preparation programs that help you enter technology programs at the post-secondary level. Sometimes referred to as bridging programs as they provide an opportunity to gain the skills and prerequisites to transition or bridge from your academic area of study to a technology area.
Designed to equip you for immediate access to the workplace, these technical programs use a practical instruction method and are generally in the mechanical or scientific areas.
Post-secondary programs which can be completed after high school, study time can vary. These programs lead to a certificate, diploma, associate degree, or bachelor’s degree.
Tend to offer all different types of programs including undergraduate and graduate programs.
University transfer studies/courses enable you to complete first and second-year university level course work at a college or university before transferring to an undergraduate degree program at a different institution.
Learn more on the B.C. Transfer Guide website.
Courses and/or programs for adults who wish to complete their high school diploma, improve high school grades for entry into post-secondary studies, or obtain required pre-requisites for post-secondary studies. Can also be referred to as Adult Basic Education (ABE).
Learn more on the Government of B.C.'s website.
Courses and/or programs which provide additional or advancement in skills through education and training.
Practical experience within your field of study that can supplement your education. These opportunities can be paid and may offer academic credit towards a program or may satisfy admission requirements for a program you wish to apply to. Work experience can support future career prospects.
These opportunities are offered by many post-secondary institutions to support students in learning and paying for your post-secondary education. It provides part-time, paid work on campus that will work with your class schedule.
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