Interested in working in B.C.'s healthcare field as a nurse? As the province's population grows and ages, the demand for nurses is increasing.
Get prepared with a better understanding of the education opportunities available to you as you start your unique journey.
Interested in working in B.C.'s healthcare field as a nurse? As the province's population grows and ages, the demand for nurses is increasing.
Discover the many opportunities in Trades and learn about the difference between Foundation and Apprenticeship programs on our Trades page.
Explore the many different French language program options and opportunities available at B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions.
Keep these important factors top of mind when mapping out your post-secondary plans.
Learn about the costs of post-secondary and options for financial aid.
Get inspired and take a quiz to see how your interests and passions can align with a career.
Use these tips and resources to support your student in planning for their future.
Helpful resources to support your students in planning for their future.
All B.C. post-secondary institutions are working to make education accessible to everyone through services, facilities, and equipment. If you need extra time for exams, text to speech software, or if you had accommodations in high school, learn about what may be available for you in post-secondary. Contact the institution you’re interested in and discuss your situation. They will help you with registration and program planning around your individual needs. Find more information and resources on our Inclusive education page.