Postal services representatives


Postal services representatives serve customers and record transactions at sales counters and postal wickets. They maintain inventory and order supplies in post offices and internal mail rooms. They are employed by Canada Post Corporation, courier and parcel express companies and establishments throughout the public and private sectors.

This group performs some or all of the following duties:

  • Calculate and affix the correct postage on letters, parcels and registered mail and receive payment from customers

  • Sell stamps, prepaid mail and courier envelopes and money orders

  • Route mail to the proper delivery stream

  • Sign or obtain signatures from recipients for registered or special delivery mail and keep records

  • Answer inquiries and complete forms regarding change of address, theft or loss of mail

  • Record and balance daily transactions.

Job titles

  • bus parcel express clerk
  • counter clerk - mail and postal services
  • delivery services clerk
  • express mail service clerk
  • lost package search clerk
  • lost postal package search clerk

Employment prospects

Source: BC Labour Market Outlook 2023 edition

Annual salary







Job openings

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British Columbia


expected job openings (5-year forecast)

Education and training

Employment requirements

  • Completion of secondary school and some college office administration courses may be required.

  • On-the-job training is required.

  • Physical fitness may be required for some occupations in this unit group.

Additional information

  • Progression to supervisory or facility management positions is possible with additional training or experience.

Certification requirements

  • No certification requirements

Post-secondary programs in B.C.

No post-secondary education required

No post-secondary education required. You can work in this career without post-secondary education. Some on the job training may be provided. With additional training or experience, you may be able to progress into higher level, supervisory or management positions.

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