Things to consider

Keep these important factors top of mind when mapping out your post-secondary plans.

High school class selection and planning

Each post-secondary program has different admission requirements. Be sure to plan ahead and do your research to understand which high school courses to take in grades 10, 11 and 12.

Each institution provides a list of approved high school courses for each program. Make sure to note what these courses are when selecting your high school courses. Not all high school courses that count towards your high school graduation will count towards admission requirements.

If you are out of high school and you didn’t take these courses, or your grades didn’t meet the requirement, upgrading is an option.

Your high school counsellors can help support your planning. Be sure to reference the program pages on our website for a full list of admission requirements.

Deciding where to go

Did you know that there are 25 public post-secondary institutions in B.C.? How do you know which one to choose? Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding what institution is the right fit for you.


Are you wanting to stay close to home or do you want to go away to school? Are you a city person or are you hoping to be closer to the mountains? B.C.'s post-secondary options expand from Vancouver Island through city centres to Northern B.C. with multiple different climates and environments to consider. 

Class size 

Some college classes have as little as 10 students, whereas some university lecture halls are over 400. Do you know what kind of learning environment you will excel in? This will help narrow down your search and provide you with the best set up for your success.

Student Residence 

If you decide you want to move away from home, you'll need to consider accommodations. Do you want to live on campus in student residence or find your own place off campus? Not all schools have student residences and the ones that do, may have deadlines to apply. Explore the different options that are available ahead of time. 

Co-op opportunities 

Are you hoping to get experience while earning credit? Some programs offer co-op opportunities that provide academic credit by combining classroom-based education with practical work experience. These programs often offer compensation for your time. Type “co-op” into the search bar on the Search page to see a list of available programs.

Every journey looks a little different.

Application dates

Each institution and program have their own application dates. Applications typically open mid-September or early October. Be sure to check the admission requirements on the program page on our website for application dates and admission advice. When you’re ready to apply, use our pre-application checklist to make sure you have everything you need. Preparing a post-secondary admissions application takes time. Start your application early and apply as soon as you can. 

Download our pre-application checklist

Transcript ordering

Each institution sets their own policies and procedures for receiving transcripts and additional admission documents. If you have any questions about your application, check the website of the institution that you are applying to. Their registrar's office can advise you on their policies. If you attended high school in B.C. or the Yukon, you can order your transcripts from the StudentTranscripts Service. If you attended high school in another province, check with your high school or school district about getting a copy. If you have attended post-secondary and need to transfer your transcript, contact the institution you attended. Remember that there may be a deadline for when your admission documents must be submitted, be sure to make note of when that is.

Inclusive education

All B.C. post-secondary institutions are working to make education accessible to everyone through services, facilities, and equipment. If you need extra time for exams, text to speech software, or if you had accommodations in high school, learn about what may be available for you in post-secondary. Contact the institution you’re interested in and discuss your situation. They will help you with registration and program planning around your individual needs. Find more information and resources on our Inclusive education page.


Health & wellness

Feeling stressed or faced with a personal challenge? Counsellors on campus are professionally trained and can help with a wide variety of support. Look for wellness programs and related resources on campus and don't hesitate to book an appointment with a counsellor. Also check if your school has a medical clinic on campus or can refer you to other programs and services.

up next

Learn about the costs of post-secondary and options for financial aid.


Ready to explore programs? Start your search.